Friday, February 5, 2016

Every Housewife Needs A Tagline

When you first start watching any of the Housewives, you quickly learn, the best part is the opening sequence where each lady states their Tagline.  It pretty much sets the scene for the entire season.  A tagline can make or break you.  It is not to be taken lightly.

"I'm the OG of the OC"  "Haters gonna hate.  But I just Love Love Love"  And my personal favorite.  "Don't come for me, Unless I twirl for you"

So that got me thinking, what would mine be?  It is such a hard decision.  There are many questions you need to ask yourself.  Do I keep it local, just in case the Albuquerque franchise comes calling?  Do I make it funny?  Or, do I just say something corny?  Here is what I came up with so far.....

"People ask me red or green, But I answer Diamonds every time"

"I might have a Honeybear at home,  But that doesn't mean I don't know how to tame the Lion"

"I might have a Honeybear at home, But I still know how to let the lion out of the cage"

"I might be a cat lady, But I can still be a bitch"

You have to ask yourself, who am I right now and who will I be in 6 months from now.  I am still working on mine, but what would yours be?  Take some time, don't rush, but share it with the rest of us.

The lesson learned:  A lot can change in 6 months, you better be ready for it!

XOXO  Kiki

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